The following shortcuts are exclusive to Block Placement Mode (that is, when you have selected a block from your toolbar). Quick deposit ores and components into targeted Grid Inventory port Withdraw 10x produced components, keep in queue Withdraw produced components, keep in queue Withdraw produced components, remove from queue Select block from toolbar and MMB-click inventory port Inventory and Build Planner Engineer/Jet Pack Show Antenna signals on HUD: all/short/none In-Game View Options and Screens Engineer/Jet Pack Open targeted Grid's Remote Access Screen Open Player Inventory or targeted Grid Inventory Use handheld weapon zoom (“aim down sight”) Match grid speed with target grid (relative Inertial Dampers) Match jetpack speed with targeted grid (relative Inertial Dampers) Thrust Up / Brake ( wheeled vehicle only)Ĭharge up suspension jump ( wheeled vehicle only) 7.4 How to close the annoying Performance Profiling Overlay?.7.3 Why can’t I look around or turn properly?.